- 1. RM/CM HD Racing Meter UI
- 2. FSR Steering Wheel Racing Meter UI
- 1. Formula Racing V1
- 2. Formula Racing V2
- 3. Formula Racing V3
- 4. Formula Racing V4
- 5. Formula Racing V5
- 6. Formula Racing V6
- 7. Formula Racing V7
- 8. Formula Racing V8
- 9. Formula Racing V9
- 10. Formula Racing V10
- 11. Formula Racing V11
- 12. GT V12
- 13. GT V13
- 14. Minimalist V2
- 15. Minimalist V3
- 13. GT版V13
- 14. 极简版V2
- 15. 极简版V3
- 16. GT版 V4
1. RM/CM HD Racing Meter UI
1. Minimalist V1
1. Speed mph
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gear
5. Gap with personal fastest lap
6. Estimated time to complete the lap
2. Minimalist V2
1. Gear
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
3. Minimalist V3
1. Speed(kmh/mph)
2. Gear
4. Qualifying matches
1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Left anterior tire temperature
8. Right anterior tire temperature
9. Left rear tire temperature
10. Right hind tire temperature
11. Total laps
12. Total number of cars
5. Main race version
1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Last lap time
8. Optimal lap time
9. Gap with personal fastest lap
10. Estimated time to complete the lap
11. Gas pedal
12. Brake
13. Clutch
14. Left anterior tire internal temperature
15. Left anterior tire external temperature
16. Right anterior tire internal temperature
17. Rightanterior tire external temperature
18. Left rear tire internal temperature
19. Left rear tire external temperature
20. Right rear tire internal temperature
21. Right rear tire external temperature
6. Technology Edition
1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Last lap time
8. Optimal lap time
9. The margin of fuel
10. Gap with personal fastest lap
11. Gas pedal
12. brake
13. Clutch
14. Left anterior tire internal temperature
15. Left anterior tire external temperature
16. Right anterior tire internal temperature
17. Right anterior tire external temperature
18. Left rear tire internal temperature
19. Left rear tire external temperature
20. Right rear tire internal temperature
21. Right rear tire external temperature
22. Estimated time to complete the lap
7. Realistic V5
1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Last lap time
8. Optimal lap time
9. The margin of fuel
10. Gap with personal fastest lap
11. Gas pedal
12. brake
13. Clutch
14. Left anterior tire internal temperature
15. Left anterior tire external temperature
16. Right anterior tire internal temperature
17. Right anterior tire external temperature
18. Left rear tire internal temperature
19. Left rear tire external temperature
20. Right rear tire internal temperature
21. Right rear tire external temperature
22. Estimated time to complete the lap
23. Total laps
24. Total number of cars
8. Realistic V6

1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Last lap time
8. Optimal lap time
9. The margin of fuel
10. Gap with personal fastest lap
11. Gas pedal
12. brake
13. Clutch
14. Left anterior tire internal temperature
15. Left anterior tire external temperature
16. Right anterior tire internal temperature
17. Right anterior tire external temperature
18. Left rear tire internal temperature
19. Left rear tire external temperature
20. Right rear tire internal temperature
21. Right rear tire external temperature
22. Estimated time to complete the lap
23. Total laps
24. Total number of cars
9. Realistic V7

1. Speed
2. Rpm
3. Max Rpm
4. Gap
5. The current number of laps
6. Ranking
7. Last lap time
8. Optimal lap time
9. The margin of fuel
10. Gap with personal fastest lap
11. Gas pedal
12. brake
13. Clutch
14. Left anterior tire internal temperature
15. Left anterior tire external temperature
16. Right anterior tire internal temperature
17. Right anterior tire external temperature
18. Left rear tire internal temperature
19. Left rear tire external temperature
20. Right rear tire internal temperature
21. Right rear tire external temperature
22. Estimated time to complete the lap
23. Total laps
24. Total number of cars
2. FSR Steering Wheel Racing Meter UI
1. Formula Racing V1

The RS consists of a kinetic motor (MGU-K) connected to the drivetrain and recovers kinetic energy; A thermal motor (MGU-H) connected to the turbine shaft solves the turbo lag problem and recovers energy from excess turbine speed; and an energy storage battery (ES), which can store up to 4MJ of electricity.
The deployment of ERS has some limitations, the energy transferred from the battery to the kinetic energy motor (MGU-K) per revolution must not exceed 4MJ. The energy recovered from the kinetic motor (MGU-K) and thermal motor (MGU-H) to the energy storage battery (ES) does not exceed 4MJ per revolution.
Based on the principle of the ERS system, the specific meaning of the UI display is as follows:
ERS Current Storage Energy Percentage: ERS currently stores energy/ERS maximum stored energy.
Percentage of remaining dischargeable capacity of the current circle: The energy remaining in the current circle that can be transferred from the battery to the kinetic energy motor / the maximum stored energy of the ERS
Percentage of Charge Recovered by the Ring: The energy recovered by the MGU-H and MGU-K in the Ring/the maximum energy that the ERS can store.
1. Number of laps run+1
2. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
3. The gear of the current vehicle
4. Vehicle travel speed
5. The number of laps that can be run with the current oil volume
6. The number of laps that can be continued after running all the laps of the current race
7. The time elapsed after entering the current lap
8. ERS currently stores energy / ERS maximum energy can store, percentage progress barERS
9. The temperature inside the tire
10. The remaining energy of the front lap can be transferred from the battery to the kinetic energy motor (MGU-K) / ERS maximum energy storage, percentage
11. The energy recovered by the current lap through MGU-H and MGU-K / the maximum energy that ERS can store, percentage
2. Formula Racing V2

1. Whether to trigger the adjustable rear wing (blue on, white off)
2. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
3. Vehicle travel speed
4. ERS currently stores energy/ERS maximum energy can store, percentage
5. ERS deployment mode (blue on, white off)
6. The temperature on the outside of the tire
7. The temperature inside the tire
8. The current temperature of the brake disc
9. The gear of the current vehicle
3. Formula Racing V3
1. ERS currently stores energy / ERS maximum energy can store, percentage progress bar
2. The time it takes to complete the last lap
3. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
4. My best lap in the current race
5. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
6. ERS currently stores energy/ERS maximum energy can store, percentage
7. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
8. The number of vehicles participating in the race
9. The aps run +1
10. The number of laps required to complete the race
11. The temperature on the outside of the tire
12. The temperature inside the tire
13. The gear of the current vehicle
14. Whether to trigger the adjustable rear wing (blue on, white off)
15. Vehicle travel speed
16. The speed of the engine
17. (blue on, white off)
4. Formula Racing V4
1. ERS currently stores energy / ERS maximum energy can store, percentage progress bar
2. Vehicle travel speed
3. The time it takes to complete the last lap
4. Estimate the difference between the current lap time and the previous lap time
5. The speed of the engine
6. Whether to trigger the adjustable rear wing (blue on, white off)
7. ERS deployment mode (blue on, white off)
8. The gear of the current vehicle
9. The laps run +1
10. The number of laps required to complete the race
11. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
12. The number of vehicles participating in the race
13. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
14. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
15. My best lap in the current race
5. Formula Racing V5
1. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
2. The gear of the current vehicle
3. ERS currently stores energy/ERS maximum energy can store, percentage
4. Vehicle travel speed
5. Tire wear percentage
6. ERS deployment mode (yellow on, white off)
7. Whether to trigger the adjustable rear wing (yellow on, white off)
6. Formula Racing V6
1. Engine speed/maximum speed that can be reached, percentage progress bar (left to right)
2. The gear of the current vehicle
3. Engine speed/maximum speed that can be reached, percentage progress bar (right to left)
4. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
5. The time it takes to complete the last lap
6. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
7. ERS currently stores energy/ERS maximum energy can store, percentage
8. The speed of the engine
9. Vehicle travel speed
7. Formula Racing V7
1. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
2. The gear of the current vehicle
3. The time it takes to complete the last lap
4. ERS deployment mode (yellow on, white off)
5. Whether to trigger the adjustable rear wing (yellow on, white off)
6. My best lap in the current race
8. Formula Racing V8
1. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
2. The gear of the current vehicle
3. Estimate the difference between the current lap time and the previous lap time
4. The time it takes to complete the last lap
5. My best lap in the current race
6. Vehicle travel speed
9. Formula Racing V9
1. Vehicle travel speed
2. The gear of the current vehicle
3. Tire wear percentage
4. The number of laps currently run +1
5. The number of laps required to complete the race
6. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
7. The number of vehicles participating in the race
8. The time it takes to complete the last lap
9. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
10. My best lap in the current race
10. Formula Racing V10
1. Percentage of wear of the left front wing
2. Percentage of wear of the right front wing
3. Left front wheel wear percentage
4. Percentage of wear on the right front wheel
5. Percentage of engine wear
6. Gearbox wear percentage
7. Left rear wheel wear percentage
8. Percentage of wear on the right rear wheel
9. Rear wing wear percentage
11. Formula Racing V11
1. Temperature on the outside of the left front wheel
2. Inner temperature of the left front wheel
3. Left front brake temperature
4. The temperature of the right front wheel is measured externally
5. Right front wheel inner temperature
6. Right front wheel brake temperature
7. Temperature on the outside of the left rear wheel
8. Inner temperature of the left rear wheel
9. Left rear brake temperature
10. Temperature on the outside of the right rear wheel
11. Right rear wheel inner temperature
12. Right rear wheel brake temperature
12. GT V12
1. ERS currently stores energy / ERS maximum energy can store, percentage progress bar
2. Vehicle travel speed
3. Estimate the difference between the current lap time and the previous lap time
4. The gear of the current vehicle
5. Tire outside temperature
6. Tire inner temperature
7. Tire pressure
8. My best lap in the current race
9. The time it takes to complete the last lap
10. Whether the TC is triggered
11. The value of the brake anti-lock braking system
12. Estimate the time it will take to complete the current lap
13. The temperature of the track/road surface
14. The temperature of the current ambient/air
15. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
16. The number of laps currently run +1
13. GT V13
1. The number of laps that can be run with the current oil volume
2. Estimate the difference between the current lap time and the previous lap time
3. My best lap in the current race
4. The percentage of fuel currently remaining
5. Vehicle travel speed
6. The gear of the current vehicle
7. The time it takes to complete the last lap
8. The number of laps currently run +1
9. The ranking of the vehicle in the current race
10. The number of laps that can be run with the current oil volume
11. The temperature of the engine fuel
12. Whether the TC is triggered
13. The value of the brake anti-lock braking system
14. Turbo size
15. Mapping, each level corresponds to a different speed, fuel consumption and throttle
16. The ratio of braking efficiency between the front and rear wheels
17. Rate of fuel consumption (0 = lean oil, 1 = standard, 2 = surplus, 3 = maximum)
14. Minimalist V2
1. The speed of the engine / the maximum speed that can be reached, the percentage is shown
2. The gear of the current vehicle
15. Minimalist V3
1. Vehicle travel speed
2. The gear of the current vehicle
13. GT版V13
17、燃料消耗的速度( 0 = 贫油,1 = 标准,2 = 富余,3 = 最大)
14. 极简版V2
15. 极简版V3
16. GT版 V4
1、Display the telemetry data of tire type, display DRY or WET according to telemetry
2、Display this icon to show the telemetry data of headlights
3、Display the current speed
4、Display the current number of laps
5、Display the amount of fuel used by the vehicle in the game
6、Display the fuel consumption per lap of the vehicle
7、Displays the estimated number of laps with remaining fuel consumption.
8、Display the remaining fuel of the vehicle in the game
9、Display the current gear
10、Displays the last lap (previous lap) completion time of the vehicle in the game.
11、Display the time difference between the vehicle and the best lap time in the game (Delta)
12、Display the estimated lap time
13、Engine mapping mode of the vehicle
14、Display the telemetry of EngineIgnitionOn, which represents the status of the engine.
15、the game vehicle is currently located in the track sector (Sector)
16、Display the running status of the vehicle's engine in the game.
17、Display the telemetry data of tire pressure
18、Display the game vehicle's ABS telemetry data
19、Display the game vehicle's Traction Control Level telemetry data
20、Display the telemetry data of Traction Control Cut of the vehicle in the game.